Attention to all

attention to all
you red-line screamers 
nonsense, madness dealers 
stale pot-smoke steamers 
last-minute test cheaters  
nasty-ass grabby feelers 
personal space stealers 
kindle romance readers 
soda-spilling drinkers 
corner peein’ stinkers 
conspiracy land preachers 
train hopping crime fleers  
toe-shoe wearing freakers 
walk-o-shame sleepers 
vintage clothing skeevers 
hung-over drunk dreamers 
card hustlin’ schemers 
hunched over pipe cleaners 
old man eyeball creepers 
only-a-few misdemeanors 
personal crisis intervenors 
morning robo-call screeners 
giant stoller wheelers 
entire fuckin row keepers 
bright-n-early eager beavers 
entire smorgasbord eaters 
new opportunity seekers 
crystal toting healers 
shoulder tapping greeters 
weekend cubbies conveners 
occasional puke cleaners 
little-too-close leaners 
adult diaper leakers 

to all my public transit believers 
you my people. 

but to all you  
crowded train backpack heavers — 

put. your. bag. on. the. damn. ground.
have a little respect

no space in the sun / 2022