Learning to Let Go
Our memories and emotions live in our bodies. They become attached to physical locations, often generating aches and pains. Many times we dismiss them (a needle prick or jumpy nerve) as being purely physical, not realizing that the two sides of our human experience are intertwined. That our physical pain can have an emotional source, or that psychological trauma can cause a physical reaction.
I am currently fascinated with developing a practice to regularly flush my body of trapped energy, in the hopes of preventing blockages that may start this cycle. I guess you could call it preventative spiritual medicine.
How I am holding it all
Imagine your body is a river, flowing with energy instead of water. Just like a river, that may carry tree limbs and debris to the ocean, your body's river carries emotions and experiences through it. It eventually sends them back out into the universe.
What would happen if we let a felled tree become stuck in a river? Not much at first. The river would keep flowing, barely noticing the first tree. But the next time even a tree limb came through that section of the river, it would probably get stuck. Then trash and debris would get stuck on that tree limb. Over time, things would become worse, as more and more separate items add up to a combined problem for the river.
The same thing applies to our body and the energy that flows through it. An initial experience or emotional trauma can become a sticking point for other things that have nothing to do with it.
The goal of my Letting Go practice is to understand when this build-up is happening and do something about it. Done over time, it should help keep significant blockages from going undetected and maintain a better energy flow. Below is what I am currently doing. Over time, I’m sure I will learn and adjust. I hope you find some value in it as well.
Letting Go (A Practice)
Find yourself seated in a comfortable position: upright, yet relaxed. In a way that your legs and lower back feel supported.
Take a deep breath in through your nose, pause, then release it back through your nose. Letting all of the air back out of your lungs before pulling more back in with the next breath.
Feel your heartbeat as you relax.
Breathe in on one of its beat and back out in time with another.
Find that natural rhythm that fits with your pulse.
Slowly, start to sense if you are holding any tension anywhere in your body – anywhere that when you breathe in, your energy feels uncomfortable or restricted. If you sense something, focus on that spot. Then on the out-breath, maintain your focus and in your mind, say, "Let go."
Breathe in, sense, breath out, "Let go."
On the next in-breath, check that spot again, and if it still holds tension, repeat the practice. Just focus on that spot and breathe out, "Let go."
Now, begin to scan your entire body using this technique.
Start with your toes ... Breathe in, focus on them, breathe out, "Let go."
Your feet ... Breathe in, focus, breathe out, "Let go."
Then progressively throughout your entire body:
- Ankles …
- Lower legs …
- Knees …
- Upper legs …
- Hips …
- Pelvis …
- Bottom …
- Sacrum …
- Lower Back …
- Abdomen …
- Stomach …
- Middle Spine …
- Ribs …
- Chest ….
- Heart …
- Upper Spine …
- Collar bone ….
- Shoulders …
- Biceps …
- Forearms ….
- Wrists …
- Hands ….
- Fingers …
- Wrists …
- Elbows …
- Triceps …
- Shoulders …
- Traps …
- Neck …
- Throat …
- Jaw …
- Mouth ...
- Tongue …
- Cheeks …
- Eyes …
- Forehead …
- Scalp …
- Crown …
Now that you are sitting just with yourself, free from those trapped cares and worries, observe this relaxed feeling. Feel how your energy moves freely throughout your body, like an ocean tide. Notice your even breathing and the measured pace of it.
Let you carry this calm feeling with you as you go through your day.
Let your body and mind start to reawaken: slowly move your fingers. Now roll your wrists. Slowly twist and move your arms. Wiggle your toes, then move your feet. Push energy into all of your extremities. Slowly awaken your arms and legs. Rock slowly back and forth to direct blood flow to your upper thighs and bottom. Bend and move your spine. Bring energy back into your spine and joints.
Awaken your mind. Slowly open your eyes.